

Give your one-time or monthly gift to the congregation


We accept your gift via PayPal, which offers secure and reliable card payments.


A safe and easy way to give your gift via mobile phone.

Swish nr.: 123 147 3925


A traditional form of payment that you are welcome to use. Write in the message field that it is a gift.

Bg: 165 - 8699

Your Giving

Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Kor. 9:6-7)

A generous man will himself be blessed, for he shares his food with the poor. (Prov. 22:9).

Become a monthly giver

Be part of spreading the good news of the Gospel to Helsingborg, Skåne and beyond. Through the work the congregation is involved in, we build a foundation to help people understand God's meaning and plan. In this, you are an important part in making this possible through your regular gift to the congregation. Just as Paul writes to the Corinthians to give according to what they have decided to give, but also the rich blessing that comes with the giving. When you become a regular monthly donor in the congregation, it becomes like your tithe. According to the word, we are allowed to test God precisely by giving a fixed amount (the tithe) to him and he will let his blessing befall us... Don't wait to become a monthly giver today.



Being able to give monthly and regularly has really opened up God's blessings in my life not only financially but also in so many abrad areas as well.

- John Doe / Country -

500 kr
1000 kr
1500 kr
2000 kr
Other amount, I enter this below in the box.